Facilities and resources

In 51 out of 100 reviews, an aspect of the facilities and resources available needed further attention. Areas where specific problems occurred were:


  • Lack of availability of surgical ward beds and/or the ability to ring fence beds for elective procedures.
  • Managing acute admissions.
  • Having properly timetabled access to appropriate operating theatres for elective and emergency surgical care.
  • Getting access to sufficiently well-staffed, specialist, high-dependency and intensive care units.
  • Ensuring that hospital facilities have been appropriately designed for the surgery undertaken (for example to support day case surgery, or enhanced recovery).
  • Having appropriate instrumentation available and suitable processes for sterilisation and/or maintenance of instruments.
  • Problems with processes for the design and review of surgical job plans.
  • Access to appropriate and functioning hospital computer systems supporting the delivery of surgical care.


  • The number and skill-mix of nursing staff supporting surgical services. 
  • A service’s capacity to recruit consultant surgeons and other medical personnel. 
  • The administrative staff available to support the running of the service.
  • Appropriate access to the expertise provided by other healthcare professionals, such as clinical nurse specialists or specialist physiotherapy.