
Learning from
Invited Reviews

Welcome to the RCS's Learning from Invited reviews website. We have analysed 100 invited service, individual and clinical record reviews, initiated by healthcare organisations, that took place between 2008 and 2017, and drawn out some key themes.

Answer the 18 questions below to explore these key issues and consider your experience of surgical practice within your own team. This should take just a few minutes and will lead you to a personalised report including just the areas most relevant to you. You can then compare your thoughts with our findings, read our thoughts on each issue and access links to helpful resources.

Alternatively, use the menu bar above to directly access the full report and explore each issue. Either way, we hope you find it an interesting and revealing experience.


Provision of safe surgical care

Do you feel the care your service is providing today is safe?


Team work

Do you feel that the team of consultant surgeons you are part of works well?


Timely recognition and resolution of concerns

Do you feel that people in your team can raise concerns and get these addressed?


Multidisciplinary team meetings

Do your multidisciplinary team meetings work well?


Individual behaviours

Do all the members of your consultant surgical team display appropriate behaviours towards each other?


Leadership and management

Does your team’s clinicians work well with their managers?


Outcomes data

Are you happy with the quality of your team’s surgical outcome data and that all surgeons submit this consistently?


Facilities and resources

Do you think that the facilities at your hospital are suitable for the types of surgery you undertake?


Clinical audits

Is clinical audit in your team carried out appropriately? (i.e. around appropriate clinical areas rather than individual interests)


Relationships with surgeons in training

Does your team have positive working relationships between consultant surgeons and non-consultant-grade team members?


Morbidity and mortality meetings

Do you think your team could take a more effective approach to morbidity and mortality reviews?


Activity data

Would you give a high rating to the quality of surgical activity data within your team?


Managing change

Does your hospital manage change well?



Do you think that there is room for improvement with consultant surgeon appraisals in your team?


Learning from patient experience

Can your team demonstrate how it has learnt from patient experience?


Patient consent and candour

Are you happy with the processes your team follow when they support a patient who is considering surgery?



Are you confident in the probity of all your surgical team members?


The development and introduction of new techniques and technologies

When your team introduces a new technique or technology, are you confident in the process they follow?